Again, obvious. Like, one of the things I’ll talk
about if time allows is making irresistible offers. But you know why I teach that at my
expensive seminars? Do you know what most people make? Resistible offers! And they
don’t look at it.
We had a concept called a “spike,” and we had another concept called a “greased
chute.” And whether you’re in a business selling to somebody… attracting a lead…
converting them… having someone walk in your store and buying from you… whether
you’re a copywriter trying to get a client, or trying to get the job the client gave you to
pay off…
The first thing you’ve got to do is put the maximum leverage into everything you
do. You can’t have maximum leverage if you don’t investigate, observe, evaluate,
examine, recognize, inventory, identify as many, if not all the alternative approaches to it.
Doesn’t that make sense?
For example, we know… Well, I’ll give you a really cool example. You all
understand testing at the core level. I’m sure that Michael teaches it. I’m sure that it’s
inherent in your copywriting, right? Well, we had an ex-retail client, and we tested 33
different ways of greeting people at their front door. And one way outproduced all the
others by 300%. And you would never guess what it is. And I’ll tell you what it is in a
minute, but the client was getting, as I recall (and I may be off), like 1,000 visitors -- big furniture store, for its fixed amount of ad. Let’s say they were spending $40,000 a week.
1,000 visitors a week. They were converting 15%, or 150.
By taking the time to explore all kinds of different ways of doing something…
and not just thinking of themselves, but studying how other people did it, extrapolating,
translating, testing, spending a lot of time and analyzing the results… We were able to
get 150 to 450. Now, the average sale was $1,000, and that was the first sale. It didn’t
count the back end. You do the math. It was a pretty profitable endeavor.
© 2006 All Rights Reserved
Boot Camp 2005 --
“What I’ve Learned About Copywriting
and Business Building In 30 Years”
The same power, the same force, the same opportunity applies to all of you. But
you’ve got to take it.
I mean, it’s funny. I do -- I was telling Michael, I have about maybe 150 different
programs I’ve done over the years. Probably half of them are very nuanced versions of
the same one. They’re taking them to a higher level, or more sophisticated, or advanced.
And when we promote them, a lot of the people on our own list will say, “Well, I already
know all that stuff.” And I’d say, “Cool.”
And I’d have the salesman go, “That’s cool. That’s cool, Sam. That’s cool. You
know, that’s great. Before I go, since you know it and obviously you’ve taken it to a high
level, tell me at least 20 or 30 of the test factors you’ve experimented with in the last six
or so months, and what the results have been. And after that tell me at least five or ten of
the 90 or 100 different referral strategies you’ve been playing with. Or tell me some of
the best risk reversals you’ve been able to use, and what kind of bonuses you’re using
now. And tell me how you got the five or ten of the best strategic alliances you’re using
right now.” And that person by then was saying, “Oh, I think my mother’s calling me.”
But if you really want a pocketful of this, the only way you’re going to get it is to
do what I just said. It’s like it’s so immutable, but you can’t do it without doing it.
It’s like, my wife plays tennis. She’s a A player. She started being a D player.
The first thing she had to do was take lessons like every day. Then after lessons she got
on a team that played every week, along with still taking lessons. Then she got into